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刊名 ISSN 出版社 出版年 索书号
1 JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association. 0098-7484 American Medical Association, 1960- R/W9
2 JSME International Journal / 0913-185X The Society., 1987 TH/W11
3 JSME international journal. Series B. Fluids and thermal engineers / 1340-8054 The Society, c1993- TK1/W1
4 Japanese journal of cancer research / 0910-5050 The Japanese Cancer Association, 1985- R73/W6
5 Journal - Water Pollution Control Federation. 0043-1303 Water Pollution Control Federation], 1960-1989. X/W8
6 Journal de mathematiques pures et appliquees. 0021-7824 Gauthier-Villars [etc.], 1836- O1/W73
7 Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik. 0075-4102 W. de Gruyter, 1826- O1/W68
8 Journal of Engineering Mechanics 860B0002-03 , .
9 Journal of Food Engineering : An International Journal 0260-8774 Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 1982- TS2/F686
10 Journal of Southeast University. English ed. 1003-7985 Editorial Department of Journal of Southeast University, N5/W1
11 Journal of Tongji Medical University. 0257-716X The University ; [1986- R/W23
12 Journal of accountancy. 0021-8448 American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 1905- F23/W2
13 Journal of accounting research. 0021-8456 Institute of Professional Accounting, Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago ; c1963- F23/W1
14 Journal of acupuncture and tuina science. [periodical] 1672-3597 Shanghai Research Institute of Acupuncture & Meridian, 2003- R245/W2
15 Journal of algebra. 0021-8693 Academic Press, 1964- O1/W25
16 Journal of algorithms. 0196-6774 Academic Press, 1980- O1/W20
17 Journal of animal science. 0021-8812 American Society of Animal Science [etc.], 1942- S8/W1
18 Journal of applied electrochemistry. 0021-891X Chapman and Hall, 1971- O6/W7
19 Journal of applied mechanics. 0021-8936 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1935- O3/W1
20 Journal of applied microbiology. 1364-5072 Published for the Society for Applied Bacteriology by Blackwell Science, c1997- Q93/W1
21 Journal of applied physiology. 0021-8987 American Physiological Society, 1948-1976. R33/W2
22 Journal of applied polymer science. 0021-8995 Wiley, 1956- TQ31/W5
23 Journal of applied probability. 0021-9002 Applied Probability Trust., 1987- O21/W4
24 Journal of bacteriology. 0021-9193 American Society for Microbiology [etc.], 1916- Q/W10
25 Journal of biological systems. 0218-3390 World Scientific, c1993- Q/W12
26 Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume. 0021-9355 Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc., 1948- R68/W1
27 Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of... 0271-678X Raven Press, c1981- R742/W1
28 Journal of chemical and engineering data. 0021-9568 American Chemical Society, 1956- TQ/W23
29 Journal of chemical education. 0021-9584 Section of Chemical Education, American Chemical Society, 1924- O6/W2
30 Journal of chemical engineering of Japan 0021-9592 The Society of Chemical engineers, 1968- TQ/W17
31 Journal of chemical research. Synopses. 0308-2342 Royal Society of Chemistry [etc.], 1977- O6/W39
32 Journal of chromatographic science. 0021-9665 Preston Publications, 1969- O6/W24
33 Journal of chromatography. Biomedical applications. 0378-4347 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., c1994- R/W17
34 Journal of chronic diseases. 0021-9681 C. V. Mosby, 1955-c1987. R/W18
35 Journal of clinical microbiology / 0095-1137 American Society for Microbiology, 1975- R37/W4
36 Journal of clinical pathology. 0021-9746 British Medical Association, 1947- R36/W4
37 Journal of clinical ultrasound. 0091-2751 Wiley Medical Div. [etc.], 1973- R/W19
38 Journal of colloid and interface science. 0021-9797 Academic Press, c1966- O6/W17
39 Journal of combinatorial theory. Series A. 0097-3165 Academic Press, c1971- O1/W75
40 Journal of combinatorial theory. Series B. 0095-8956 Academic Press, 1971- O1/W27
41 Journal of composite materials. 0021-9983 Technomic Pub. Co.], 1967- TB3/W14
42 Journal of computational chemistry. 0192-8651 Wiley, 1980- O6/W9
43 Journal of computer and system sciences. 0022-0000 Academic Press, 1967- TP3/W21
44 Journal of computer science and technology English language ed. 1000-9000 Science Press, 1986- TP3/W73
45 Journal of construction engineering and management. 0733-9364 American Society of Civil Engineers, 1983- TU/W10
46 Journal of coordination chemistry. 0095-8972 Gordon and Breach Science Pub., c1971- O6/W30
47 Journal of crystal growth. 0022-0248 North-Holland Pub. Co., 1967- O7/W1
48 Journal of current laser abstracts : a joint publication with SPIE-The International Society for Opt 0022-0264 Institute for Laser Documentation, 1967- Z89:O4/W1
49 Journal of differential equations. 0022-0396 Academic Press, 1965- O1/W8
50 Journal of differential geometry. 0022-040X Lehigh University], 1967- O1/W12
51 Journal of dynamic systems, measurement, and control. 0022-0434 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1971- TP/W16
52 Journal of dynamics and differential equations. 1040-7294 Plenum Press, c1989- O175/J86/V4:1
53 Journal of dynamics and differential equations. 1040-7294 Plenum Press, c1989- O/W1
54 Journal of economic literature. 0022-0515 American Economic Association], 1969- F2/W7
55 Journal of economics & management strategy. 1058-6407 MIT Press, c1992- F2/W6
56 Journal of education for teaching : JET. 0260-7476 Methuen, 1981- G4/W10
57 Journal of educational psychology. 0022-0663 American Psychological Association [etc.], 1910- G44/W1
58 Journal of electrical and electronics engineering, Australia. 0725-2986 Institution of Engineers, Australia ; 1981?- TM/W7
59 Journal of electrocardiology. 0022-0736 Research in Electrocardiology, Inc., 1968- R54/W3
60 Journal of electronics = 电子科学学刊. 0217-9822 Science Press, 1984- TN/W23
61 Journal of embryology and experimental morphology. 0022-0752 Company of Biologists [etc.], 1953-1986. R32/W2
62 Journal of energy engineering. 0733-9402 American Society of Civil Engineers, 1983- TK/W4
63 Journal of engineering materials and technology. 0094-4289 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1973- TB3/W10
64 Journal of engineering mechanics / 0733-9399 American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983- TU/W11
65 Journal of environmental engineering. 0733-9372 American Society of Civil Engineers, Environmental Engineering Division, c1983- X/W9
66 Journal of environmental sciences (China). 1001-0742 Editorial Dept. of Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), 1989- X/W24
67 Journal of experimental botany. 0022-0957 Oxford University Press [etc.], Q94/W4
68 Journal of experimental social psychology. 0022-1031 Academic Press, 1965- B84/W4
69 Journal of food science : an official publication of the Institute of Food Technologists. 0022-1147 The Institute, c1961- R15/W1
70 Journal of forecasting. 0277-6693 Wiley, c1982- N/W8
71 Journal of functional analysis. 0022-1236 Academic Press, 1967- O1/W15
72 Journal of genetics and genomics 1673-8527 Science Press, 2015- Q31/W1
73 Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering. 1090-0241 American Society of Civil Engineers, 1997- P3/W1
74 Journal of graph theory. 0364-9024 John Wiley & Sons., 1977- O1/W45
75 Journal of heat transfer. 0022-1481 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1959- TK1/W2
76 Journal of heterocyclic chemistry. 0022-152X HeteroCorporation], 1964- O6/W18
77 Journal of high speed networks. 0926-6801 IOS Press, c1992- TN91/W10
78 Journal of immunological methods. 0022-1759 North-Holland, 1971- R392/W6
79 Journal of information & optimization sciences. 0252-2667 Analytic Publishing Co., 1980- O1/W30
80 Journal of information processing. 0387-6101 Information Processing Society of Japan, 1978- TP3/W31
81 Journal of integrative plant biology. 1672-9072 Blackwell Publishing Asia Co., Ltd, 2005- Q94/W6
82 Journal of interamerican studies and world affairs. 0022-1937 University of Miami North-South Center for the Institute of Interamerican Studies, etc.], 1970-2000. K73/J86/42
83 Journal of international economic law. 1369-3034 Oxford University Press ; c1998- D996/W1
84 Journal of language, identity, and education. 1534-8458 L. Erlbaum Associates, c2002- H0/W4
85 Journal of law, economics & organization 8756-6222 Yale University Press, c1985- D9/W6
86 Journal of linguistics. 0022-2267 Published for the Linguistic Association of Great Britain by Cambridge University Press, 1976- H0/W2
87 Journal of low frequency noise & vibration 0263-0923 Multi-Science, 1982-1996. O4/W30
88 Journal of macroeconomics. 0164-0704 Wayne State University Press], 1979- F/W2
89 Journal of macromolecular science. Chemistry. 0022-233X M. Dekker, c1967-c1991. O6/W32
90 Journal of management in engineering. 0742-597X American Society of Civil Engineers, Engineering Management Division, c1985- F4/W12
91 Journal of manufacturing science and engineering / 1087-1357 American Society of Mechanical Engineers / 1996- TB/W2
92 Journal of manufacturing systems. 0278-6125 Society of Manufacturing Engineers/Computer and Automated Systems Association of SME, c1982- TP3/W63
93 Journal of marketing research : JMR 0022-2437 American Marketing Association], 1964- F7/W5
94 Journal of materials processing & manufacturing science. 1062-0656 Technomic Pub. Co., c1992- TB3/W12
95 Journal of materials processing technology. 0924-0136 Elsevier Science Publishing Co., 1990- TG/W3
96 Journal of materials science letters. 0261-8028 Chapman and Hall, 1982-2003. TB3/W5
97 Journal of materials science. 0022-2461 Chapman and Hall, 1966- TB3/W6
98 Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 0022-247X Academic Press, 1960- O17/W1
99 Journal of mathematical physics. 0022-2488 American Institute of Physics, 1960- O4/W13
100 Journal of mechanical design. 1050-0472 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, [c1990- TB21/W1
101 Journal of mechanical working technology. 0378-3804 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co.], 1977- TG/W6
102 Journal of medical colleges of PLA. 1000-1948 PLA, 1986- R-0/W1
103 Journal of medical entomology. 0022-2585 Entomology Dept., B.P. Bishop Museum, 1964- R/W10
104 Journal of medicinal chemistry. 0022-2623 American Chemical Society, [c1963- R9/W6
105 Journal of microelectromechanical systems / 1057-7157 the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, c1992- TN3/W1
106 Journal of molecular biology. 0022-2836 Academic Press, 1959- Q/W3
107 Journal of molecular structure. 0022-2860 Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1967- O4/W20
108 Journal of morphology. 0362-2525 Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, 1931- R32/W3
109 Journal of multiple-valued logic and soft computing 1542-3980 OCP Science, c2003- TP31/W5
110 Journal of network and computer applications. 1084-8045 academic Press, c1996- TP3/W53
111 Journal of network and systems management. 1064-7570 Plenum Press, c1993- TP393/W2
112 Journal of neurochemistry. 0022-3042 Raven Press [etc.] , 1956- R74/W4
113 Journal of neurophysiology. 0022-3077 American Physiological Society [etc.], 1938- Q42/W1
114 Journal of number theory. 0022-314X Academic Press, 1969- O1/W57
115 Journal of occupational and environmental medicine. 1076-2752 Williams & Wilkins, c1995- R/W7
116 Journal of occupational medicine : official publication of the Industrial Medical Association. 0096-1736 The Association, c1959- R/W12
117 Journal of optimization theory and applications. 0022-3239 Plenum Pub. Corp., 1967- O22/W3
118 Journal of organic chemistry. 0022-3263 American Chemical Society, 1936- O6/W4
119 Journal of pediatric surgery. 0022-3468 Grune & Stratton, 1966- R72/W3
120 Journal of personality and social psychology. 0022-3514 American Psychological Association, 1965- B84/W5
121 Journal of petrology. 0022-3530 Oxford University Press [etc.], 1960- P/W1
122 Journal of pharmaceutical sciences : a publication of the American Pharmaceutical Association. 0022-3549 The Association, 1961- R9/W5
123 Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. 0022-3573 Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 1949- R9/W2
124 Journal of physical and chemical reference data. 0047-2689 American Chemical Society, 1972- O4/W33
125 Journal of physics. A, Mathematical and general. 0305-4470 The Institute of Physics, 1975- O4/W11
126 Journal of physics. E, Scientific instruments. 0022-3735 Institute of Physics, 1970-1989. TH7/W8
127 Journal of plasma physics. 0022-3778 Cambridge University Press, 1967- O4/W6
128 Journal of polymer materials. 0970-0838 Oxford & IBH Pub. Co., [c1984- TB3/W8
129 Journal of polymer science. Part C, Polymer letters. 0887-6258 Wiley, c1986-c1990. O6/W29
130 Journal of polymer science. Polymer chemistry edition. 0360-6376 Interscience Publishers, c1972-c1986. O6/W3
131 Journal of post Keynesian economics. 0160-3477 M.E. Sharpe, inc.], 1978- F0/W3
132 Journal of pressure vessel technology / 0094-9930 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1974- TH/W8
133 Journal of quality technology. 0022-4065 American Society for Quality Control, 1969- TB/W7
134 Journal of research in science teaching. 0022-4308 Wiley, 1963- G4/W5
135 Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards. 0160-1741 U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards : 1977-1988. T/W3
136 Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. 1044-677X U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology ; 1988- N26/N277
137 Journal of structural engineering. 0733-9445 American Society of Civil Engineers, c1983- TU/W6
138 Journal of systems engineering and electronics / 1004-4132 Editorial Department of the Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, c1996- N94/W5
139 Journal of systems management. 0022-4839 Association for Systems Management, 1969- TP3/W40
140 Journal of systems science and complexity / 1009-6124 Science Press ; c2001- N94/W3
141 Journal of systems science and information. [periodical] 1478-9906 TP1/W4
142 Journal of systems science and systems engineering : JSSSE. 1004-3756 Journal of systems Science and systems engineering N94/W4
143 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 1047-3289 The Association, 1990-c1992. X/W11
144 Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association. 0002-2470 The Association, c1955-c1986. X5/W2
145 Journal of the American Chemical Society. 0002-7863 American Chemical Society], 1879- O6/W6
146 Journal of the American College of Surgeons / 1072-7515 Elsevier Science Inc., 1994- R6/W5
147 Journal of the American Mathematical Society / 0894-0347 The Society, c1988- O1/W38
148 Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society. 0003-021X American Oil Chemists' Society, 1947- TQ64/W0
149 Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 0003-1062 American Society for Horticultural Science], 1969- S6/W2
150 Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 0002-8231 for the Society by John Wiley & Sons], 1970-c2000. G35/W1
151 Journal of the American Statistical Association. 0162-1459 American Statistical Association, 1922- F2/W2
152 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 0003-1488 American Veterinary Medical Association, 1915- R/W5
153 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery. 0004-5411 Association for Computing Machinery, 1954- TP3/W16
154 Journal of the Chemical Society. 0368-1769 The Society, 1871-77;1926-65 O6/W28
155 Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical communications / 0022-4936 The Society, 1972-c1995. O6/W48
156 Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions I. 0300-9599 Faraday Division of the Chemical Society, c1972-c1985. O6/W55
157 Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions 1. 0300-922X Royal Society of Chemistry, 1978- O62/W1
158 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers. 0253-3839 The Institute, 1978- TB/W10
159 Journal of the IES. 1052-2883 Institute of Environmental Sciences, c1990-c1997. X/W23
160 Journal of the IEST. 1098-4321 Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, c1998- X5/W1
161 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 0024-6107 London Mathematical Society,] 1926- O1/W47
162 Journal of the National Cancer Institute : JNCI. 0027-8874 U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health ; R73/W7
163 Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics and image science. 0740-3232 The Society, 1984-c1993. O4/W26
164 Journal of the Society for Information Display. 1071-0922 The Society, c1993- TN1/W2
165 Journal of the Society of Environmental Engineers. 0374-356X The Society, [c1972-c1988] X/W12
166 Journal of the atmospheric sciences. 0022-4928 American Meteorological Society, 1962- P/W4
167 Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids. 0022-5096 Pergamon Press, 1952- TB2/W5
168 Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 0022-5223 C.V. Mosby, 1959- R6/W9
169 Journal of traditional Chinese medicine / 1001-1668 Chung i tsa chih she, 1955- R/W21
170 Journal of ultrastructure and molecular structure research. 0889-1605 Academic Press, c1986-c1989. Q7/W2
171 Journal of ultrastructure research. 0022-5320 Academic Press, [ -c1985] T/W1
172 Journal of urban economics. 0094-1190 Academic Press, 1974- F29/W1
173 Journal of urban planning and development. 0733-9488 American Society of Civil Engineers, Urban Planning and Development Division, c1983- TU/W5
174 Journal of vacuum science & technology. an official journal of the American Vacuum Society. A, Vacuu 0734-2101 Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics, 1983- TB7/W1
175 Journal of vibration, acoustics, stress, and reliability in design. 0739-3717 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, c1983-c1989. O4/W14
176 Journal of water resources planning and management. 0733-9496 American Society of Civil Engineers, Water Resources Planning and Management Division, c1983- TV/W1
177 Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering / 0733-950X The Society, c1983- TU/W19
178 Journal of world trade law. 0022-5444 Jacques Werner, 1967-1987. F7/W1
179 The Journal of American history. 0021-8723 Organization of American Historians, 1914- K712/W1
180 The Journal of Asian Studies. 0021-9118 Association for Asian Studies, etc.], 1956- D73/W1
181 The Journal of agricultural economics research. 1043-3309 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Economic Research Service ; 1987- F30/W1
182 The Journal of agricultural science. 0021-8596 The University press, 1906- S/W1
183 The Journal of biological chemistry. 0021-9258 American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, [etc.], 1905- Q5/W1
184 The Journal of business law. 0021-9460 Stevens, 1957- D/W2
185 The Journal of cell biology. 0021-9525 Rockefeller University Press, 1962- Q2/W2
186 The Journal of chemical physics. 0021-9606 American Institute of Physics, 1933- O6/W57
187 The Journal of chemical thermodynamics. 0021-9614 Academic Press, 1969- O6/W43
188 The Journal of development studies. 0022-0388 F. Cass., 1964- C/W7
189 The Journal of documentation : devoted to the recording, organization, and dissemination of speciali 0022-0418 Aslib [etc.] G255.2/W1
190 The Journal of ecology. 0022-0477 Blackwell Scientific Pub., 1913- Q/W24
191 The Journal of endocrinology. 0022-0795 Journal of Endocrinology, Ltd. [etc.], 1939- R58/W1
192 The Journal of environmental sciences. 0022-0906 The Insititute of Environmental Sciences, c1958-89 X/W5
193 The Journal of experimental zoology. 0022-104X Alan R. Liss, 1904- Q95/W2
194 The Journal of finance. 0022-1082 American Finance Association], 1946- F8/W1
195 The Journal of general and applied microbiology. 0022-1260 Institute of Applied Microbiology, University of Tokyo, Q93/W7
196 The Journal of general microbiology. 0022-1287 Society for General Microbiology [etc.], 1947-1993. Q/W5
197 The Journal of general physiology. 0022-1295 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, c1918- Q4/W3
198 The Journal of geology. 0022-1376 University of Chicago Press, 1893- P/W7
199 The Journal of heredity. 0022-1503 Oxford University Press, 1910- Q/W11
200 The Journal of higher education. 0022-1546 Ohio State University Press, 1930- G4/W8
201 The Journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry. 0022-1554 Histochemical Society, [etc.], 1953- Q5/W5
202 The Journal of horticultural science. 0022-1589 Headley Bros., 1948- S6/W1
203 The Journal of infectious diseases : official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of Amer 0022-1899 University of Chicago Press, 1904- R/W20
204 The Journal of law & economics. 0022-2186 University of Chicago Law School, 1975- D9/W5
205 The Journal of management studies. 0022-2380 B. Blackwell, 1964- F4/W13
206 The Journal of modern history. 0022-2801 University of Chicago Press, 1929- K1/W1
207 The Journal of parasitology. 0022-3395 American Society of Parasitologists], 1914- Q18/W2
208 The Journal of pathology / 0022-3417 John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1969- R36/W6
209 The Journal of pediatrics. 0022-3476 C. V. Mosby, 1932- R72/W4
210 The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. 0022-3565 Williams & Wilkins, 1909- R9/W4
211 The Journal of philosophy. 0022-362X F.J.E. Woodbridge : 1921- B/W2
212 The Journal of photographic science. 0022-3638 Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, 1953- TB8/W1
213 The Journal of physical chemistry. 0022-3654 American Chemical Society [etc.], 1896-1996. O64/W1
214 The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids. 0022-3697 Pergamon Press, 1963- O4/W39
215 The Journal of physiology / 0022-3751 Cambridge University Press, 1978- Q6/W1
216 The Journal of political economy. 0022-3808 University of Chicago Press, 1892- F0/W2
217 The Journal of strain analysis for engineering design / 0309-3247 Published by Mechanical Engineering Publications, Ltd. for the Institution of Mechanical Engineers o c1976- TB1/W1
218 The Journal of surgical research: Clinical & Laboratory Investigation. 0022-4804 Academic Press [etc.], 1961- R4/W2
219 The Journal of symbolic logic. 0022-4812 Association for Symbolic Logic, 1936- O1/W33
220 The Journal of systems and software. 0164-1212 Elsevier North Holland], 1979- TP3/W13
221 The Journal of the Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers : J. IERE. 0267-1689 The Institution, c1985-c1988. TN/W33
222 The Journal of urology : official journal of the American Urological Association, Inc. 0022-5347 Williams and Wilkins Co., R5/W2
223 The journal of applied bacteriology. 0021-8847 Blackwell Scientific, 1954-1996. Q93/W5
224 The journal of heredity 0022-1503 , .
225 The journal of immunology : official journal of the American Association of Immunologists. 0022-1767 Williams & Wilkins, c1950- R392/W8
226 The journal of microcolumn separations : JMS. 1040-7685 Aster Pub. Corp., c1989- O65/W1